By reporting to the major credit bureaus, such as Transunion and Equifax, ECA of Tulsa can help improve your credit rating. When you make your payments on time every month, you are improving your credit score little-by-little. You get the car you need while also working toward your goals for financial improvement. Feeling a little better about buying a car now? We thought so.
So what kind of car are we talking about here?
If you think your bad credit means you’ll have to drive a clunker for the rest of your life, think again! While many in-house financing dealerships only carry older vehicles with high mileage, Express Credit Auto of Tulsa carries newer, lower mileage vehicles for our credit-challenged customers. In fact, most cars on our lot are five years old or less. Express Credit Auto details and reconditions every vehicle before we sell it. Each car goes through the “Express Quality Inspection” (PDF). To provide even more peace of mind, we also offer a free limited warranty* with most car purchases.
Still feeling nervous about buying a car? It doesn’t have to be difficult, and it doesn’t have to be intimidating. Buying a car can be a positive experience with beneficial results. Express Credit Auto of Tulsa is here help you get into the car you need, no matter what your credit situation may be. Shopping for used cars in Tulsa has never been easier. You can even apply online using our quick and easy web form and save yourself some time! Go head, jump for joy! We won't tell anyone.
* Limited Warranty. Terms, deductible and conditions apply.

Still feeling nervous about buying a car? It doesn’t have to be difficult, and it doesn’t have to be intimidating. Buying a car can be a positive experience with beneficial results. Express Credit Auto of Tulsa is here help you get into the car you need, no matter what your credit situation may be. Shopping for used cars in Tulsa has never been easier. You can even apply online using our quick and easy web form and save yourself some time! Go head, jump for joy! We won't tell anyone.
* Limited Warranty. Terms, deductible and conditions apply.
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